Welcome to GRAMMAR IN A NUTSHELL! You are about to start out on an exciting, life-changing adventure that will make you a WINNER! This program will help you to become whatever you want to be - contributing to a worthwhile team project, working for someone else, launching your own small or large business, or even become a politician!
Your secret weapon will be the fact that you will know the structures or the nutshells of your English language - GRAMMAR. If you know your grammar you will be able to speak and write correctly - with NO WORRIES! There is practically no job in the world that doesn't expect you, occasionally, to write clearly - to record information, or to write reports, instructions, letters or emails etc. At some time you will also surely be asked to speak at a meeting or a special occasion, give clear instructions, discuss and solve problems with others, or even give lectures.
To become the winner you want to be and reach your dream easily and quickly, all that is actually needed is the determination and effort to learn, at your own pace, the ten, easy Modules containing the online Lessons in this NUTSHELL program. It uses colors that represent the different functions of the words that make up the sentences in our language. The functional approach is also LOTS OF FUN!
You will be able to enjoy creating your own quite long, complex, and sometimes funny sentences fairly quickly; will learn to change the position of words, phrases and clauses to alter their emphasis; and to clarify meaning by using correct punctuation.
When you find how easy it is to write essays and all kinds of longer articles, your confidence and self-esteem will SOAR!